This weather + this scenery = lots of smiles:

Last Sunday, we had our first barbecue of the year. We went down to one of the parks by the bay and set up there. The kids played, we ate, and then we took more of Amanda's maternity pics (I shared a sneak peek last week and will be dedicating a post to more of the pictures soon).

Series 3 of Doctor Who is waiting for me at the library! Woohoo! I get to pick it up later today and I'll be starting it tonight.
I discovered a new favourite song. I like boy bands and I'm not embarrassed to admit it (although admittedly I'd never heard of Eleven Past One until this week). This seems like it'll be one of those summer soundtrack songs, you know? Plus it kind of reminds me of "Chasing the Sun" by The Wanted, which I love.
I redid the header of my blog and I'm really happy with it. I'd been wanting to redo it for awhile but I wasn't sure what to do, then inspiration struck this week. I realized afterward that I should have waited a few weeks until my niece is born because then I'll have to redo it to add in a picture of her. Duh! Oh well. What do you think?
Speaking of my niece, my sister-in-law found out this week that she's going to be induced at 39 weeks, which is just 3 more weeks! My niece will be joining us a week sooner than expected, which is exciting. What's not so exciting is that my sister-in-law keeps changing her mind about the name (she picked out the name over three years ago when she was pregnant with Logan, then changed her mind twice this week, including the middle name which was supposed to be Marie and now I think she's changed her mind...she's also changed her mind about me being in the delivery room because her sister is causing drama, so it's been a bit stressful/upsetting/disappointing/hurtful in that respect, but I'm kind of used to that unfortunately). Anyway, Saturday Smiles is supposed to be happy stuff!
The sign-ups for my blog tour went out! I'm really excited and I hope a lot of people will want to participate. Sales have been really slow for WAITING FOR THE STORM, so I'm hoping this will help.
What made you smile this week? What was the highlight of your week?

1 comment:
Heya lovey! <3 When I saw the pictures of Amanda, I was going to ask when she is due, then you wrote it a couple paragraphs later, LOL.
About the blog tour, I was thinking about signing up, but I already had my review ready to go and wanted to get to promoting it sooner than July/August. Maybe I can do a spotlight on my writer blog for you, get more people to sign up? Oh! And perhaps I can host a giveaway...? Shoot me a message soon and let me know. I would love to get WFTS out there more. :)
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