Friday, May 4, 2012

Flashback Fridays: Titanic

Flashback Fridays is going to be a weekly meme here at Lost and Found. I had originally thought it would just be something I did on my own, but then it occurred to me that other people might like to join me. I'm not going to set up a Linky until I know if anyone else is interested, but if you'd like to join in every Friday (or whenever you can), please let me know, and I'll set it up so we can all include our links and blog hop! The idea is simple: talk about the past - an event, a favorite movie, a favorite song or band, a childhood memory, TV shows you watched as a kid, games you loved to play, you name it. You can talk or just post pictures, whatever you want.


I had just turned 14 when Titanic came out in theatres. I was in love with Leonardo DiCaprio after his role as Romeo in Romeo & Juliet, and the idea of Titanic fascinated me. I saw it twice in the theatre, and it became an instant favorite.

I remember the first time I heard that Titanic was coming to theatres in 3D. It was late last year, and I literally started to screech at the TV, I was so excited. How often does one of your all-time favorite movies return to theatres, and in 3D no less? I immediately messaged my sister-in-law and told her we had to go. When April finally rolled around and the movie was released, I didn't think we'd actually get to see it because we were both so busy, but thankfully we made it in the final week, and it was everything I'd hoped for, and more.

The minute the movie came on screen, I felt like I was 14 years old again. Talk about a blast from the past, only even more amazing than any memory because it was in 3D. Confession time: I have major crying issues. I cry when I'm happy and excited more than I do when I'm sad. The best way I can describe it is that I get overwhelmed when I'm happy or excited, and it needs someplace to go, so it comes out in the form of tears. It's annoying and embarrassing (although my family has always been highly amused by it and thinks it's cute *gah*), so of course, because I was so super excited, my tear ducts decided to work overtime and I swear I cried through most of the movie. Between getting to see it again after all these years, knowing what was going to happen, loving Jack and Rose so much, and knowing that the Titanic was real and all those people really died...I was pretty much a big blubbery mess.  

As for the movie itself: it was even better than I remembered. It's been ages since I watched it, so I had forgotten a lot. Like, for instance, just how young Leo and Kate were. I realize it was 14 years ago, but they look so different now! Kate was so curvy, and Leo was so...beautiful. Just beautiful. They were both ridiculously beautiful.*sigh*

I never really appreciated before what an incredible job Kate did playing Rose. Rose was funny and feisty and independent, and had all this attitude, but could be the demure lady when she needed to be, and Kate played it all to perfection. The sidelong glances at Jack, the condescending tone she often took with her mother and Cal, the terror on her face when they realized the ship was sinking - it was all brilliant. I had also forgotten how lovely she is. She's still pretty, but she was gorgeous in Titanic, with that porcelain skin, all those red curls (I want her hair...I will beat my curls into submission until they look like that, damn it!), and that luscious figure. I remember having a girl crush on her at 14, and seeing Titanic again has definitely rekindled that. 

Did you see Titanic in 3D? What did you think? Did you see it when it originally came out? Do you have a favorite character or moment from the movie?

This is unrelated to the movie, but seems worth mentioning: have you heard about the Australian billionaire who plans to build Titanic II? I rolled my eyes and shook my head when I heard about that. Seriously?? Can you say 'tempting fate'? Some people have more money than brains, I swear. What do you think? Good idea or asking for trouble?



Kate Maxwell said...

I did not see the Titanic in 3D - and the only reason I went to see it in the theatres is because m best friend (who lives on the other side of the US from me) said it was the best movie she had ever seen. High praise from her! My husband was not impressed...

Wouldn't it be nice, that someone with so much money would put it to GOOD use? Vaccines or computers for schools, or an incredible USEFUL structure that everyone can visit?!?

SweetMarie83 said...

haha, yeah I've had a few friends who dragged their husbands and said they just didn't get it. It'll always be a favourite for me, though.

And, exactly!! There are so many people dying, starving, homeless, jobless, diseased, and some asshat is going to spend millions building a boat?! What is wrong with this world?

Martha said...

I though it was a very good movie. I can imagine it would be great in 3D but I'll probably wait until it comes out on Blue ray. Let me know if you decided to do a linky for Flashback Fridays. I could have played this week, just did a flashback post yesterday. I popped over from the First Loves Blogfest sign up list. I'm a new follower :)

Unknown said...

YES to everything about this post, Marie! I think this movie should constantly be in theatres, haha. I was obsessed with the movie when I was younger, but watching it on 20 inch TVs, etc just didn't give it the scale it needed to really portray the Titanic accurately to me. I think that's what I loved most, and I think the 3D effects added in so many years later were really well done. I've seen some pretty bad 3D movies, LOL.