Gilmore Girls Mondays is a semi-regular feature hosted by me, Molli and Jessica as we do a rewatch-along of Gilmore Girls that we started on June 1st. Each of us has a different approach, but for my posts I'll be talking about the episodes I watched each week, sharing my thoughts plus
favourite quotes, scenes, etc. If you want to join in, you can tweet
with us using the hashtag #GilmoreGirls, and if you want to join in the
discussions, feel free to grab the graphic (please link back to our blogs) and create posts of your own,
or just comment with your thoughts. Warning: if you haven't watched the show before, there will be spoilers.

Episode 12: Double Date
Episode 13: Concert
Episode 14: That Damn
Donna Reed
Episode 15: Christopher
Episode 16: Star-Crossed
Lovers and Other Strangers
Episode 17: The Breakup,
Part II

I also like that we’re seeing more to Paris than just the villain. She’s still evil and horrible, but she’s also hilarious in a completely unintentional way, which I love. She’s becoming more human, more three-dimensional, and I’m starting to remember that I do eventually end up really liking her (it’s been kind of hard remembering that in these early episodes). When Lorelai and Sookie took Rory, Paris, Madeline, and Louis to the Bangles concert and all that crap went down, watching Paris just being totally chill was possibly my favourite part. When she said, all blissfully, “You know what? I think this is the best night I've ever had” I seriously cracked up. Classic.
And then there’s Christopher. Ahh, Christopher. My mother despises Christopher. She’s been semi-watching with me (she pretends to read but I see her watching the TV half the time, and she’ll chime in or laugh once in awhile), and when Christopher arrived, she groaned. I can kind of understand her feelings toward him, but there’s a part of me that’s always had a soft spot for Christopher. He doesn’t mean to be a screw-up. He and Lorelai have decades of history - he wasn’t just some one-night stand or even a fling. They’ve known each other since they were SIX. That's a lot of history, a lot of baggage, a lot of things shared - including a child.
And finally, there’s Dean. And Dean and Rory’s three-month anniversary. And Dean and Rory’s break up. And Rory’s “I’m ready to wallow now” which makes me cry every time. *sigh* And I just love how Emily has to point out to Lorelai: “Tonight your daughter is celebrating her three-month anniversary. When was the last relationship you had that lasted that long?” Argh. You can tell Lorelai had already thought of that - she didn’t need her mother pointing it out/rubbing it in. But Emily wouldn't be Emily if she didn't do just that, right? Lorelai's going through a lot - watching people in love (which, when you're not and want to be is the most frustrating thing ever), splitting from Max, realizing she might have feelings for Luke just as his ex comes back to town, Christopher showing up and all the drama that comes with that…I really felt for her these last few episodes. She’s all over the place, but she still manages to stay strong, and be a good friend and a kick-ass mother.
Also? I seriously love Luke. That's nothing new, but really...*sighs and swoons*

Rory: “You look too good for him.”
Lane: “Just what I was going for.”
Lorelai to Rory: “I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on.”
Lorelai: “You know, it doesn't always work to just lock a kid up and throw away the key.”
Mrs. Kim: “I didn’t throw away the key, it's in the kitchen.”
Lorelai: “In this parade of stupid and dumb I'm the one twirling the flaming baton.”
Rory: “She likes washing dishes, too. She’s multi-faceted abnormal.”
Lorelai: “Um, can I make one more suggestion?”
Luke: “No.”
Lorelai: “Curtains?”
Luke: “No.”
Lorelai: “Manly curtains.”
Luke: “Oxymoron.”
Lorelai: “What did you call me?”
Dean: “You are very odd, you know that?”
Rory: “Thank you.”

did you think of these six episodes? Are there any that particularly stand out to you? How did you feel about Rory and Dean's breakup? Do you think Dean acted fairly or overreacted? What do you think of Lorelai finally realizing she might have feelings for Luke but then sleeping with not only Christopher but also Max?