If you've visited Lost & Found over the last three months, you likely know that I've been suffering from a back injury. It's prevented me from doing a lot of things (like going out, having a life...y'know, minor things *pffft*) so I'm determined to make up for it by having a really great summer. In the past, I've let things stop me from going out and having fun...the fact that all my friends are too busy for me (god, that sounds so high school, but it's true), the fact I have to take the bus everywhere, the fact I don't have a lot of money. Well, no more. As soon as my back is better (please god let that be soon!) I'm not going to let anything stop me from having fun, getting out, and LIVING.
So I've made this list...I'll be keeping track of things as I do them, blogging about them, posting pictures (proof!), and gladly accepting any kind words and encouragement you guys are willing to give.
The List
*Go swimming at least 5 times
*Go to the beach
*Visit the rose garden at least 3 times
*Visit Glanmore House
*Go for as many walks as possible
*Walk around the grounds of Sir James Whitney School at
least 3 times
*Read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books
*Go on at least 2 road trips
*Sit out on the balcony as much as possible
*Watch the sun set as many times as possible
*Watch all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls with Molli, Jess, and whoever else wants to join us (we're starting in June, and doing an informal watch-along - I'll be blogging about my thoughts every week - if you'd like to watch along with us and discuss it on our/your blogs or Twitter, we'd love to have you join!)
*Have at least 2 barbeques
*Lose at least 10 pounds
*Make as many things as possible with tomatoes from Jamie’s
*Go to the movies at least 3 times
*Go out on my own at least 4 times (this one may seem a bit
odd, but I have social anxiety issues and it’s very rare that I go out on my
own. I’m determined to conquer that this summer)
*Try at least 2 new restaurants in town
I'll likely be adding to this list as I think of more things I want to do. What are some of your plans for the summer?
1 comment:
*cough*Road trip to Ohio!*cough*
Ahem, sorry, clearing my throat there. :P
I have no idea what I'll be doing this summer. I'm kinda just winging it. I should consult my bucket list for ideas. One of my main things is finishing and publishing my book, but as far as getting out and DOING something, no idea. I think I may go out with people for drinks, skating rink, rollerblading, biking, walk around the lake by my apartment. I want to get into shape too actually. I don't necessarily need to lose weight, I just need to build up some muscle.
Have fun! I look forward to reading about everything... and the possibility of seeing you. ;)
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