Monday without a Gilmore Girls Monday post. Oops! When Molli and I first decided to
do the rewatch, I was so excited I didn’t think I’d be able to wait for June.
Then June arrived and I got so busy I hardly had time to watch any. I haven’t
watched a single episode of Gilmore Girls in about two weeks because I’ve been
so bogged down with work and other stuff. I’m hoping to catch up this week and be back to
regular GG watching - and blogging - next week.
realized recently that I’ve taken on too much. Between trying to write my next
book, keep up with two blogs, designing a cover for a friend, doing beta
reading/editing for that same friend, and just regular life stuff, I’m going
crazy. I’ve hardly had any time to myself, and it’s really starting to take a
toll on my mental health. Add to that the fact that I’m getting extremely
restless and want to just get the hell away from my life for awhile…yeah. Going crazy.
Everyone I know either seems to be in love or traveling or in love AND
traveling and I’m stuck here, as always, doing the same thing every single day,
looking at the same four walls.
I sound so bitter. And I kind of am, which I hate. I don't want to be that person. I don’t begrudge anyone
their happiness - especially the few people I love like crazy and I’m HAPPY for
them and they deserve the happiness they've found, but...I wish I were happy too.

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