I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but I was at the mall and all of a sudden I was in excruciating pain. I've dealt with back pain before and hoped it would go away on its own, but after a week and a half, when my leg and foot started to tingle and go numb, I knew it was time to have it checked out. The emergency room doctor told me it was a bulging disc in my back, and that it should eventually heal on its own. I'm not going to harp on it, but let me tell you: the last six weeks have been a nightmare. I've run the gamut of symptoms from unbelievable pain in my back, legs, and bum, to muscle spams to partial numbness in my feet and legs. I've spent a lot of time sleeping, reading, and watching TV, and my computer time has been limited (which is super fun, especially when I'm trying to edit my third book, keep up with my book blog, and do other work...my poor author blog has been as neglected as Lost and Found).
I finally got in to see my family doctor yesterday (he was on holidays for a couple weeks, so I've been to both emerg and the clinic in the last six weeks). I've been slowly getting better and can notice a difference every day, but I still have some pain in my right leg and bum (typical symptoms), and I don't have full mobility in my right leg or full feeling in my ankles and toes. The doctor did some leg lifting tests, as well as reflex and strength tests and seemed pleased. He said I should recover 100% - I was so relieved I almost cried!
I'm looking forward to putting this whole ordeal behind me. I miss living a normal life, but it's made me realize a few things. I'm the type of person who believes everything happens for a reason, and I think this happened to teach me a lesson. I need to take better care of myself - I need to lose weight, exercise more, have better posture, not try to carry so many heavy things, and pay attention to how I lift things. But more than that, I think, is that I need to really start living. I've mentioned before that I don't have much of a life - being a writer and working from home have led to me being a hermit, but I know now that I need to get out and do more. I need to not take time, my health, and my mobility for granted. I haven't been able to take the bus the last six weeks, so I've only been out a handful of times (half were doctor-related outings, the other half was grocery shopping). I haven't done anything really fun in six weeks because I couldn't. It's made me realize that when I'm able to, I will. I'll go out just because I can. So even though this last month and a half has been hell, it's taught me a lot. 2013 hasn't been great so far, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe it can turn around and be the epic year I was hoping for.
I don't have any new pictures to share because I've hardly touched my camera in the last six weeks (which is killing me, but since I haven't really been out, there are only so many things to photograph in my apartment!). I'm looking forward to nice weather (and, you know, full mobility lol) so I can get outside and start taking pictures.

we often forget howx our back is more capital that it shown.... for having a really bad back trouble i can relate to you... sometiems i'm blocked and the pains come front without a precis e reason and that's frustrating because you don't know and can't prevent it to happen again
if you can have a few solution in your case i'm really happy for you and yes the year can still be fabulous after all we haven't finished the 3rd month yet^^ so plenty of time still^^
( i still hope too on a lesser scale i hope a fabulous birthday (saturday)but everything i tried to do for my pleasure had to be cancelled for a reason or another... still a few day left but less than for your epic year^^)
take care dear that's the most important
That's great news about recovering 100%! I'm so glad for you, I know that it's been very hard for you to keep up with and take care of everything lately. Hopefully you can get it all back on track very soon. :) And get back to taking pictures.
You WILL be able to continue to make this an epic year! There will always be roadblocks and obstacles, but you can make it through them. ^_^ I believe in you!!! <3
Aww Marie! {big cyber hugs} there is nothing worse than suffering in pain & it sounds like you were handed a heavy dose of it :( I truly hope you are back to 100% soon & up and about and feeling a semblance of normal.
Hoping you are out & about taking your photos very soon xx
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