Friday's Letters is hosted by Ashley over at Adventures of Newlyweds.
This has been a really busy week for me, and it's looking like it'll
be a busy weekend, too. I swear I need a few more hours in the day just
to get everything done.
Dear NaNoWriMo, I
am excited and terrified to do you. I think I might lose what little sanity I
have left by attempting this, but book #4 needs to get written sometime, so
why not amid the chaos of thousands of
other crazy writers trying to write 50,000 words in 30 days?
Dear everyone who happens to be reading this, my second
novel, The Game Changer, comes out in two and a half weeks (eeeeeeep!!!). I’m having a
promotional giveaway on my book blog, and I’d love if you’d enter and help me
spread the word about the book!
Dear Magic Mike, I'm so glad you're finally out on DVD! Even though I saw you twice in the theatre, I had to own you. And dear Mum, thank you for watching it with was equal parts awkward and hilarious.Dear Jessica, thank you for being such an incredible friend. It's kind of crazy when I think that even though you're hundreds of miles away, you've been a better friend over the past few months than most of my 'real life' friends. You always brighten my day and make me smile.
Dear Noah, I was so, so happy to see you yesterday and get a big hug and kiss. Auntie misses you so much! I just don't get to see you often enough. I'm so glad you loved my idea of being a pirate for Halloween and that you're going to let me put your costume together. You'll look awesome, I promise. AND I'm super excited that I get to go trick-or-treating with you and Logan...Halloween is my favourite holiday, but I haven't had a chance to celebrate it for a few years now. Wait til you see my costume, you're gonna flip!
Dear Amanda, I'm sorry you're so sick, and I really hope the doctors find out what's wrong with you soon. This is going on two years now, and after countless trips to doctors and specialists, and dozens of tests, this is beyond ridiculous.
Dear weekend, you and I are going to get along just fine. I thought I would be on babysitting duty, but I unexpectedly have the weekend off! Perfect timing too, because I have a ton of stuff to do...and I'd like to get caught up on my reading.
Dear mail carrier lady, UPS man, and Canada Post man, I had to stop myself from kissing you on several occasions this week for bringing me such awesome parcels. I can't wait to do my book haul vlog this weekend and show off all my awesome new books!
Dear Suleena, I can't wait until we go shopping in the States. You need to hurry up and pick a date! At 11:19 last night I realized it was two months until Christmas...gah! How did that happen?