I don’t really know how to describe 2012. It was better
than some, and I wouldn’t even go so far as to say it was worse than others, it
was just…a lot of the same. A lot of monotony. However, I’ll take that over tragedy and
heartache any day, so I don’t feel right complaining. But…there were
times it felt like these four walls were closing in on me and that nothing would ever
change. I got tired of the same routine day in and day out, but I didn’t really
do much to change it…I didn’t know what I could do.
2013 will be different. I can feel it. I can feel the possibilities, the change in the air, the change in me. 2013 is going to be EPIC, I just know it. I haven't felt this hopeful in a really long time.
2013 will be different. I can feel it. I can feel the possibilities, the change in the air, the change in me. 2013 is going to be EPIC, I just know it. I haven't felt this hopeful in a really long time.
A few highlights of 2012:
*Achieving my lifelong dream of becoming a published author
in January, and then publishing two more books throughout the year
*Going to Cobourg with my sister-in-law to meet Gail Vaz-Oxlade
*Going to Cobourg with my sister-in-law to meet Gail Vaz-Oxlade
*Watching one of my best childhood friends get married and
having my other best childhood friend as my date
*This is out of chronological order, but…Jenn’s bridal
shower and bachelorette - day drunk, old friends, crazy dares, and dancing
*Going to Watertown for a day of shopping
*Finding out I’m going to be an aunt again!
*Spending so much time with Logan. I didn’t get to see Noah
nearly as much as I wanted to this year, but Logan was here a lot between Amanda going to
school and then working. I got to see more of him this past year than I ever
did of Noah at that age, and I feel like I got to shape his mind and turn him
into the crazy, wonderful little person he is. He was so receptive to
everything I taught him, and he’s just the best baby ever. I feel so blessed to
have both him and Noah in my life, and soon another little niece or nephew!
2013 Goals
Get healthy
I say this every year, but this is something I have to do. No more excuses. I'm going to do this differently than usual though: I'm not going to put as much pressure on myself as I usually do. I'm going to work steadily but not make it my main focus or become obsessive about it, because that's always my down-fall - I burn out. I'm actually going to be talking more about my health-related goals in a post later this week.
I’ve journalled on and off since I was little but I’ve never
really stuck with it. My Grama kept journals from the time she was a young
woman until she died. We have dozens of them, and I cherish them like you
wouldn’t believe. I want my children and grandchildren to have mine someday,
but it won’t be worth it if it’s a few random, inconsistent entries. I’m
determined 2013 is going to be the best year ever, so it’ll be incentive to
keep a journal regularly. I’ve actually already started. :-)
Take more pictures
There were times this year when I was really camera-happy, and I even learned a few new tricks just from playing around, but next year I really want to use my camera as if it were an extension of myself. I want to capture moments, feelings, memories, and even if no one but me ever sees the pictures, they’ll be my little moments in time to look at and remember.
Go out more!
Go out, have a life, do things, LIVE. I didn't do enough living in 2012. I want to have adventures and take chances and laugh til I cry and dance and be silly and HAVE FUN. I'm tired of being a hermit, I'm tired of letting my social anxiety hold me back. Life is meant for living and I need to get out there and live it!
Make this blog more of a priority
The times when I go for weeks without posting are usually because I don’t really have anything to share. 2012 was a pretty quiet (read: boring) year in my personal life, but I’m determined to change that in 2013, so I will be posting about my adventures, posting more pictures, and talking about projects and maybe even sharing a few recipes or how-tos.
Take more pictures
There were times this year when I was really camera-happy, and I even learned a few new tricks just from playing around, but next year I really want to use my camera as if it were an extension of myself. I want to capture moments, feelings, memories, and even if no one but me ever sees the pictures, they’ll be my little moments in time to look at and remember.
Go out more!
Go out, have a life, do things, LIVE. I didn't do enough living in 2012. I want to have adventures and take chances and laugh til I cry and dance and be silly and HAVE FUN. I'm tired of being a hermit, I'm tired of letting my social anxiety hold me back. Life is meant for living and I need to get out there and live it!
Make this blog more of a priority
The times when I go for weeks without posting are usually because I don’t really have anything to share. 2012 was a pretty quiet (read: boring) year in my personal life, but I’m determined to change that in 2013, so I will be posting about my adventures, posting more pictures, and talking about projects and maybe even sharing a few recipes or how-tos.
I feel like 2012 was the year I really got my professional life started. I wrote almost non-stop, published three works, and wrote several others to publish in 2013. I feel like I'm getting that aspect of my life under control and it's all coming together nicely, and now 2013 is the year to carry that on but also get my personal life going. It can't all be about work, and I'm ready to detach myself from the computer a bit and have some fun!
Wishing you all a healthy, happy, love-filled, prosperous, AMAZING 2013!! <3

New Follower!!Found you via the GFC link up! Love your blog.. hope to get to know you better over 2013! If you have a second, check out my blog..http://www.kjaggers.com/ and if you like what you see.. follow back! Happy Happy New Year! K Jaggers
"2013 will be different. I can feel it. I can feel the possibilities, the change in the air, the change in me." This. I can feel it too. This year is going to be amazing for both of us.
Keeping a daily journal is one of my goals this year. I made that pact with myself in 2011 and I did surprisingly well with it, although I missed a few days. This year I won't though. And pictures--I posted about this on my writing blog, but I'm going to take a photo every day for a year.
2013 = the best year we will ever have
Hey, new follower from the GFC Blog Hop. Great set of goals for the new year. Good luck and happy new year! :)
What a beautiful year! :)
I just found your cute blog through the Blog Hop - excited to follow via GFC and read more!! I see on your sidebar that you have a book? Amazing! Looks so good :)
I hope 2013 will be fabulous for you!
best wishes
I hope 2013 will be fabulous for you!
best wishes
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