Well, this hasn't been the greatest week ever, guys. If you've been following along, you'll know that I've been suffering from a bulging disc in my back for the last 8+ weeks. While my actual back is much better, I'm still having trouble with my right leg and I don't have full feeling in my toes. It's been a nightmarish two months. Luckily my amazing mother has been taking care of me...but on Tuesday we were out grocery shopping with my sister-in-law and nephew, and Mum lifted something heavy and hurt her back. So now we're a pair of cripples attempting to take care of each other. As you can imagine, it's been a rough week.
Anyway...I did find some reasons to smile this week. Lucky for me (and everyone around me), I have a good sense of humour and while I do get frustrated with how limiting this injury is, I've been trying to find the bright side as often as I can.
Logan always sits in the cart to keep me company while we're shopping. On Tuesday he sprawled out in the top part of the two-tier cart and he was chattering away the entire time. He's so sweet and funny, my heart just bursts every time I'm with him, or even just thinking about him.

I'm usually the cook in my house but since I hurt myself, my mum has had to do most of the cooking. I help when I can, but I can't stand for long without being in agony. A few nights ago, I stood for about half an hour and made meatballs from scratch to have with spaghetti. It was pretty exciting for me! I've never enjoyed spaghetti as much as I did that night.

When I was getting Easter eggs (or Spring eggs as I call them, since I don't technically celebrate Easter) to hide for my nephews this weekend, I got myself a little treat too. These are soooo good - plus they're fun to eat!

VistaPrint had another big sale this week (they're always having some sale or other), and I decided to order more WAITING FOR THE STORM swag. The notebooks I got a few weeks ago were so beautiful, I ordered more, along with three tote bags and two sheets of stickers. The official launch date for the book is April 9th and I'll be having lots of giveaways! Another reason to smile: I ordered this stuff Monday, the estimated delivery was the first week of April, but it came on Wednesday - win!

So, those are some of the things that made me smile this week. What made you smile?