Lost and Found is only about two weeks old, so this is my first blogfest! I'm very excited to be participating in the First Loves Blogfest, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, where we talk about our first loves: first movie, first song/band, first book, and first person.
First movies: I have three movies that I always associate with my childhood: Robin Hood, Sword in the Stone, and Labyrinth. I loved movies with lots of action, humor, romance (Robin Hood and Maid Marian always made me swoon), and music. All three of these movies have great songs in them...songs I still know all the words to today!
First musical love: As a product of the 80s, it likely won't be a big shock when I say my first music love was New Kids on the Block. I think I was about six when they formed, and I was obsessed - I had all their cassettes, plus a ton of memorabilia - shirts, books, videos, even a Joey McIntyre doll. I never got the chance to see them in concert when I was little, but when they reunited, one of my childhood best friends got tickets, and we went to see them. It was a dream come true for me, almost two decades in the making, and we had a blast, especially since we were in the second row. I definitely felt like a kid again.
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Back in the day. Their hair, and Donnie's expression kills me. |
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In 2008, when Jenn and I saw them. |
First books: I loved to read as a kid (still do; my other blog is a book blog), and my first favorite books were the Berenstain Bears books. I was always obsessed with Halloween, so The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat was always my favorite. I still have my entire Berenstain Bears collection and read the books to my nephews. When I got older and started reading chapter books, Anne of Green Gables was my favorite.
First love: It took me awhile to decide what to write for this part. I knew I could talk about my parents and brother and grandparents - they were my first loves. I could talk about my childhood best friend, the one who made me realize what affectionate love was. I could talk about all the crushes I had growing up and the unrequited love I experienced (over and over and over lol). But I decided those are topics for another day. Today is for my first 'romantic love' - Roger, my first boyfriend.
I was 15 when I met Roger. All these years later, I even remember the date - October 25th, 1999. I was 15 when we met. My brother, Jamie, and I worked for a delivery company (he drove and did the actual deliveries, I was basically his sidekick and manned the CB radio…and since driving around was one of my favorite things to do, it was the perfect job). We were working that day, and I remember our boss talking to Roger over the radio (his uncle D worked for the company). Jamie and I got into a car accident that night, and long story short, Jamie was hurt, we went to the hospital, and his car was towed to D’s house to be fixed.
When we were finally done at the hospital, we ended up at D’s house to check out the car (the front was crumpled, and the passenger side door was bent - I almost hadn’t been able to get out), and Roger - until then, the faceless voice I’d been hearing over the radio - was there. People ask if love at first sight is possible, and I don’t know if it was love, lust, or infatuation, but it was instant for both of us, even at that age.
We spent quite a bit of time at D’s after that while the guys worked on Jamie’s car. I won’t bore you with details, but it was obvious Roger and I liked each other, and Jamie and his girlfriend at the time, Danielle, made sure we got to spend ‘chaperoned’ time together (my brother is 10 years older than I am, and super protective of me). The four of us spent a lot of time at Tim Horton’s, Danielle’s place, my place, and just driving around. We watched movies together, cooked dinners together, went on road trips, and basically had a blast. When I think back and realize we were only together for about two months, it’s hard to believe, because it felt like much longer. My sixteenth birthday is still my favorite birthday, because I spent it with my mum, Jamie, Danielle, Danielle’s son, and Roger, and they all made it really special and memorable for me.
Roger and I broke up around New Year’s because he had to move away. It was an odd breakup with no real closure. He popped up once a couple years later and we spent an evening together catching up. I saw him once or twice other than that until I was 19 and he showed back up - living, of all places, in the house across the road from my brother and his then girlfriend (now wife), Amanda. Three years had passed, but I still loved him, and I told him so. We spent a few weeks together, and it was a lot like it had been when we were 16. I knew it wasn’t going to lead anywhere, and I didn't even really want it to, but I enjoyed the time while I had it. Our parting was pretty much like it was the first time - no closure, but I was at least prepared for it that time because I knew what he was like.
Funny thing is, it’s been about nine years since I last saw him, and I still miss him, and think about him often. I understand now what people mean when they say you never really get over your first love. He was like part of our family - he even lived with us for a few weeks. He drove me crazy and he made me angry and he did stupid things (note to self: stay away from bad boys)...we weren’t compatible at all, but it was still amazing while it lasted, and even though I got hurt, I don’t regret it.
So, those are my big firsts. I can't wait to read about other peoples' firsts. I love getting your comments, and I promise I'll visit you in return! If you're not participating in the blogfest, feel free to tell me your firsts in the comments.
I grew up watching Labyrinth too. I still enjoy watching it once in awhile.
disney rules the childhoods of everyone i think...
We all love something...right!
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine
NKOTB is a popular choice amongst bloggers...
Anne Of Green Gables is also my choice of book... actually one of my two books...
What's not to love about Anne of Green Gables? Wonderful choice! :)
Hi Marie - NKOTB...they were my almost First Music Love. I am unashamed to say that I had all their concert videos, t-shirts, badges, every paraphernalia with NKOTB on it. I think if the blogfest was about obsession, they'd be my pick :)
Your First Love (person)...I get it.
aaww I loved NKOTB tooo!! :) and the book - Anne :) I loved it so much, but it wasn't my first ;)
I sincerely enjoyed your first love story! Thank you for sharing.
Great post!
Sharing the Love!
English Speaking Zone
You should look up Roger, just to see what he's doing.
I think Robin Hood was one of the first Disney films I saw in the theater.
Thanks for participating in my blogfest!
I appreciate your first love story, I think a lot of people on this challenge were afriad to share those kind of stories. You were brave and didn't take the easy route. In the end it sounds like you have learned from the experience and don't regret the memories that made you who you are today :)
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